Who? How?


Who is my perfect reader? Hmm, I’ve been struggling with that question for a few days since I saw it in my lesson. As I mentioned in my Hello post, I originally started to write for my family and friends to show them what was going in my world. Now that I want to bring in more people, this is an important question to figure out. 

My perfect reader would be someone who enjoys the things I like to share. Probably a maker or someone who fancies things handmade. Or someone who likes my many views of the trail. A gardener would appreciate my Cora’s Garden feature for the blooms and fruits of her garden. Maybe a cook/baker who would like to read about my recipe testing for my family and friends. Oh! And there are my random postings of caregiving for my parents.

From the trail: when we were foraging for bamboo shoots.

It would probably serve me better if I focused my attention on one or two subject matters, but I’m a bit unfocused in my life at the moment. I feel my blog reflects myself, and narrowing it down to one or two areas just would be me. But goals will help the focus and hopefully the consistency


Goal 1: Launch my Etsy shop and use my blog to help promote my shop.  


  •  before the end of 2021


  • Preview few pieces that are ready every two weeks to generate interest before the launch

Goal 2:  I would like to increase my daily average by 30%


  •  By the end of 2021


  • Use the scheduling feature to write posts ahead of time
  • Try writing some shorter post

Goal 3: Add a weekly feature.


  •  By the end of July 2021


  • A showcase of my favorite photos as I clean my collections up.


  • As I clean up my collections, create a folder of my favorite images
One of my favorites: my boys

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